solutions, scripting and more

Documenting, love it or hate it … (Part 3) — 9th Nov 2022
Documenting, love it or hate it … (Part 2) — 8th Nov 2022

Documenting, love it or hate it … (Part 2)

Part 2: Connection to the Horizon API

To access the Horizon API we need a credential that has read access. Let’s begin …

What I usually do in this scenario is creating an account and saving the password as a secure string in the same location as the script. This method is more secure then passing it along in clear text.

'<password>' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File ./secure-password.txt

You only need to do this again when your password has changed. Next we will create a credential object that we can use to connect to the Horizon API.

$svc_account_username = '<username>@<domain>'
$svc_account_password = get-content .\secure-password.txt | ConvertTo-SecureString

$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ($svc_account_username, $svc_account_password)

The next part is actually connecting to the Horizon API using the credential and storing the output in a variable:

$services = Open-HVConnection -HVServer <connection server fully qualified domain name> -Credential $Credential

Last piece of the puzzle is to close the connection and we are done for part 2.

Close-HVConnection -HVServer <connection server fully qualified domain name>

In Part 3 we will have a look at what we received.

Documenting, love it or hate it … (Part 1) — 7th Nov 2022

Documenting, love it or hate it … (Part 1)

In the next series you will see how we can use the VMware Horizon API in combination with some Powershell modules to document the environment.

Part 1: Installing the necessary Tools and Powershell modules

First we need to install Powershell. There or several ways to do so but I tend to turn to Homebrew whenever I can.

Brew Install --cask powershell

PScribo: PScribo provides a set of functions that make it easy to create a document-like structure within Powershell scripts without having to be concerned with handling output formatting or supporting multiple output formats.

Install-Module PScribo  

Next we will need the VMware modules. With the following command you get a list of the possibilities:

Find-Module -name VMware.*

We only need the one for VMware Horizon for now, let’s install it:

Install-Module VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView

That’s all for now. In part 2 of the series we will set-up the credential and connect to the Horizon API.