solutions, scripting and more

Certificates (in the home lab) made easy – the root CA — 24th Aug 2023

Certificates (in the home lab) made easy – the root CA

I recently decided to rewrite this article from scratch. I made a blogpost about how easy it is to do this with pfSense before but I only touched setting up the root-ca part. In theory this is enough, certainly for a home lab. However it brings some complexity if you start with intermediate and issuing certificate authorities and if you need to export/import the complete chain. This series will cover all that.

So in this blog post we will set up the root certificate authority, easy-peasy.

In the pfSense administration console head to System > Certificate Manager and under CAs click “+ Add”.

Select the appropriate key type and algorithm, fill in the values and hit Save.

Basically this is it. We now have a working certificate authority. Trusting this certificate authority on your device would make your device trust all the certificates that will be issued by it (if the certificates follow the security standards).

We can export the certificate using the icon marked with the red circle. Now we can import the certificate in Windows in the “Trusted Root Certificate Authorities” folder or on macOS in the “System Keychain” and selecting “Always Trust”.

Allowing VMware ovftool in macOS — 10th Jun 2022

Allowing VMware ovftool in macOS

When trying to install VMware vCenter using a macOS device you get the above error. You could go to “Security & Privacy”and allow this for every single file or you could just disable the security feature during the installation.

Before mounting the ISO open a terminal window and navigate to the folder where you downloaded the iso. Use the following commands to first disable the security feature and then remove the quarantine attribute from the ISO.

sudo spctl --master-disable
sudo xattr -r -d ./VMware-VCSA-all-7.0.3-18700403.iso

Now mount the ISO and start the installer.

When you’re finished don’t forget to enable the security again.

sudo spctl --master-enable
Edit local host file — 12th Nov 2021

Edit local host file

Before DNS is setup you can either work with IP addresses or edit your local host file. Open a terminal and type sudo nano /etc/hosts. Enter your password and start editing.

Add the corresponding information, IP address and hostname. Then press Ctrl+X to save your changes.

From now on you can use the hostname to connect to it.